Hello! Welcome to my Newgrounds profile. I like to make art and play video games. I hope you like what you see!

. . @prosonicscool2



Joined on 2/13/21

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prosonicscool2's News

Posted by prosonicscool2 - March 19th, 2022




Posted by prosonicscool2 - January 17th, 2022

MY STEAM ACCOUNT HAS BEEN HACKED. I am so sad right now i contacted steam support and i pray they can help me.


Posted by prosonicscool2 - January 8th, 2022

OMG thank yall so much for the support and im happy that I now have 100 followers and getting to be on newgrounds with yall :)


Posted by prosonicscool2 - December 30th, 2021

iu_510658_8643231.pngi love the Mandela Catalouge (@InvaderDaniel) for the consept art


Posted by prosonicscool2 - December 28th, 2021

I got a 3D pen for christmas and ive been practicing but i dont know what to really make pls give me some ideas

Posted by prosonicscool2 - December 24th, 2021

iu_505266_8643231.pngI was thinking of the gorefield drawing i made and how gorefield doesn't have an fnf mod yet so I made this consept art (gorefield design by @LumpyTouch) if anyone wants to use art for a mod you can (message me if you want the file)


Posted by prosonicscool2 - December 18th, 2021

Christmas is coming up and im exited to spend time with family what about yall.


Posted by prosonicscool2 - September 12th, 2021

Sry to everyone who has noticed my lack of posts this weekend ive mostly been working on an fnf mod and hanging out w/ people in vr kinda taking a break yknow I just wanted to say that.


Posted by prosonicscool2 - September 9th, 2021

[male voice clears throat]

Now, where to begin? [clicks tongue]

How 'bout, "Once upon a time"?

[door slams]

How many times have you heard

that to begin a story?

Let's do somethin' else.

[gasps] I got it, I got it,

here we go.

Here's how to open a movie!

[singing in African language]

No, I don't think so.

It sounds familiar. Doesn't it, to you?

Oh, no, no, not the book.

How many have seen

"opening the book" before?

- [brakes screech]

- Close the book. We're not doing that.

Here's what we're gonna do.

Why don't I just go back to the day

things took a turn for the worse?

Run for your Iives!

Everyone run for cover!

SOS! Mayday! Mayday!

Code red! Duck and cover!

You're all in danger!

- Ah!

- [babies crying]


[Chicken Little] Run for cover!

[steer bellows]

- Run for your Iives!

- [squealing]

- [ringing]

- [siren wails]

Emergency! Emergency!



- Whoa!

- Aaah!

[babies crying]

Look out! Take cover!

[# Raiders of the Lost Ark Theme]

[car horns honking]


[Chicken Little] Run for cover!

[coughs] Chicken Little!

What is it? What's going on?

The sky is falling!

The sky is falling!

- The sky is falling?

- Are you crazy?

No, no, no!

It's true! Come with me!

No. Son? What?

It happened under the old oak tree!

I'm not making this up. It's here.

[stammering] There's a piece

of the sky somewhere...

...somewhere on the ground.

It was shaped Iike that!

- It Iooks Iike a stop sign?

- Yes!

Only it doesn't say "stop"

and it's blue and it has a cloud on it.

And it hit me on the head!

- It Iooked Iike a stop sign.

- Wait! What's that?

- Son, is this what hit you?

- What?

Oh, no, Dad. It was

definitely a piece of the sky!

Piece of the sky. It's OK, everyone!

- Dad, no.

- There's been, Iike, a Iittle mistake.

It was just an acorn that-that

hit my son. A Iittle acorn.

- No! Dad, no.

- Quiet, son.

This is embarrassing enough already.

Chicken Little! What were you thinkin'?

Why put your town's safety in jeopardy?

How could you mistake

a stop sign for an acorn?

- But it... a big acorn Ievel fluh.

- What did he say?

- A big acorn Ievel fluh...

- [reporter 2] It was a big acorn?

- [reporter 3] An ape throwing coleslaw?

- A big acorn Ievel fluh...

[man] Gesundheit!

Ladies and gentlemen,

it's just gibberish,

- gibberish of an insane person.

- Come on, Buck!

Your kid went

and scared us all half to death!

Well, what can I tell you,

folks, my son,

you know... Kids do crazy stuff.

You have kids. It's...

No, Dad. It wasn't an acorn.

It was... it was a piece of the sky.

Really, it was.

You gotta believe me.

[chuckling] A movie. A movie.

They're makin' a movie.

When? When will everybody

forget your big mistake?

When? When will everybody

forget your big mistake?

First it was all over the papers,

then they wrote a book about it,

then the book on tape,

then the board game,

the spoons with your face on it...

...and the Web site,

the commemorative plates.

...and the Web site,

the commemorative plates.

- You saw them, right?

- Yeah. I saw them.

Can't eat off 'em.

- They're not microwave-safe.

- You saw the billboards?

I saw them.

Ha! There's a bumper sticker.

I knew it was only a matter of time.

Billboards I could Iive with.

Posters I could even Iive with.

But a bumper sticker.

It's... it's Iike glued on forever.

It doesn't matter. You know why?

Because I've got a plan.

Yeah, about that.

Well, remember how I told you

it would be better for you to Iay Iow,

don't call attention to yourself?

- Yes, but I...

- See, it's Iike a game.

Yeah, a game of hide-and-seek,

except the goal

is never to be found, ever!

- [stammering]

- Great!

[chuckles] Now, we've got a plan, right?

I'II see ya Iater! Remember, Iay Iow.

Yeah. OK.


Look, Mama! There's the crazy chicken!

Yes, it is! Crazy chicken. You're so

smart. We don't make eye contact. Bye!

That's it. Today is a new day.

- [brakes squeaking]

- [honks horn]

[Iaughing and cheering]

[# Barenaked Ladies: One Little Slip]

It was a recipe for disaster

A four-course meal of "No sirree"

It seemed that happily ever after

[horn honking]

Was happy everyone was after me

It was a cup of good intentions

A tablespoon of one big mess

A dash of overreaction

A dash of overreaction

And I assume you know the rest

And I assume you know the rest

One little slip

One little slip

It was a fusion of confusion

With a few confounding things

I guess I probably took

the wrong direction


Well I admit I might've

missed a sign or two

I took a right turn at confusion

A left when I should've gone

straight on through

I ran ahead with my assumptions

And we all know

what that can do

One little slip

One little slip

It was a fusion of confusion

And a few confounding things

I get the feeling in this town

I'll never live 'til I live down

The one mistake that seems

to follow me around

But they'll forget about the sky

When they all realize

This guy's about to try

to learn to fly

Or hit the ground

[school bell ringing]

How's it going?

It was a cup of good intentions

A tablespoon of one big mess

A dash of overreaction

And I assume you know the rest


One little slip

One little slip

It was a humble little stumble

With a big ungraceful

One little slip

One little slip

It was a fusion of confusion

with a few confounding things #

- [rattling]

- [banging]

[Chicken Little sighing]


- [bell ringing]

- [students chattering]


- Very well. Foxy Loxy.

- Present, pretty, punctual.

- Goosey Loosey.

- [squeals]

Master Runt of the Litter.

Present and accounted for,

Mr. Woolensworth.

Oop! Dropped my pencil!

[straining] Whoa! Ahh!

- Loser!

- Henny Penny.

- Here.

- Ducky Lucky.

- Here.

- Fuzzy Wuzzy.

- Here.

- Morkubine Porcupine.

- Yo.

- Fish Out of Water.


[muffled reply]

[clicks tongue]

Quite. Abby Mallard.

Ugly duckling.


CIass! I will not tolerate rude behavior

- at the expense of a fellow...

- [Abby] No worries, Mr. Woolensworth.

- Yah!

- [horn honks]

You mustn't sneak up on me,

Ugly... uh, Abby.

- Where was I?

- Ugly duckling.

Oh, yes.

- Chicken Little.

- [squeals]

[Woolensworth] Hmm.

- [coughing] Tardy again.

- Tardy again. Hmm.

CIass, turn to page 62

and translate each word in Mutton.

- [clears throat] He.

- [class] Baa.

- She.

- Baa.

- They.

- Baa.

- We.

- Baa.

[male voice] OK, everyone. Listen up!

[male voice] OK, everyone. Listen up!

I don't wanna hear any quacks,

tweets, oinks, whinnies

or cocklee-doodle-doos

when I say... dodgeball.


Oh, man.

Pump it up! Pump it, pump it, pump it!

Split into two teams.

Popular versus unpopular.

- Coach?

- Yeah, unpopular?

Shouldn't we review safety guidelines?

Sure! Hit the pig, kids!


[screaming] Look out!

Calm down, Runt. Just...

Just do what Fish is doing.

[# C & C Music Factory:

Gonna Make You Sweat]

Everybody dance now #

- [footsteps]

- Whew!

- Tough morning?

- A run-in with my old nemesis.

- Gum in the crosswalk?

- He won this round.

- Your old foe!

- Mm-hmm.

- Incoming on your right.

- Thank you!


Aah! [Iaughing]


Yeah, I heard about

the movie. Tough break.

- Yeah.

- Maybe it'II just go straight to video.

That's the Ieast of my problems.

This morning... this morning my dad

told me I should basically disappear.

But that's not gonna get me down.

I've got a plan.

You want to hear about it?

- Uh-oh.

- No, no, no! This one's good.

Look, one moment destroyed

my Iife, right? One moment.

- Warthog at 3':00!

- I see him!

- [ball thumps]

- [warthog squeals]

- Yes!

- So I figure all I need is a chance...

AII I need is a chance

to do something great

to make everyone forget the

"sky falling" thing once and for all.

And then my dad'II finally

have a reason to be proud of me.

[coach] Time out!




- Hi, Tiffany!

- Hey, man, what's goin' on?

So, what do you think?

OK, Iisten.

You said the sky was falling.

- Your dad didn't support you.

- I...

And you have been hurting

inside ever since, right?

- It's hurt. It stung. OK?

- It's hurt, but... Yes.

- That's the nutshell.

- OK. Yes, but...

- No. Buh-buh...

- But, it's...

What's got to happen now

is the nut needs to be cracked open.

And not one Iittle chip

at a time, but... bam!

Smash! Bits of emotion flying

everywhere! Anger! Frustration!

Denial! Fear!

Deep depression, in fact!

You see what I'm saying?


AII right, forget the nut part.

Here's the main thing.

You have got to stop messing around,

and deal with the problem.

- OK, yes, but...

- Here's the real solution.

You and your dad

talk-talk-talking... closure!

- CIosure?

- CIosure,

talking about something

until it's resolved.

Wait! Hold on! See? Look.

There's a whole section about it

in this month's Modern Mallard.

- Incredibly appropriate!

- I told you, I have a plan.

Yeah, but according to Cosmo Duck,

you should

"stop the squawk and try the talk."

Beautiful Duckling says,

"Avoiding closure with your parents

can cause early molting."

- See? CIosure.

- [sighing]

[Abby] Repeat after me.

You, your dad, talk-talk...

[Chicken Little]

Abby, Iisten! Talking's a waste of time.

I got to do something great so my dad

doesn't think I'm such a Ioser.

Come on. You are not a Ioser.

You're inventive and resourceful

and funny and cute and...


[chuckling, stammering]

Yeah... uh, Runt!

Should Chicken Little have a good talk

with his dad and clear the air

or keep searching for Band-Aid solutions

and never deal with the problem?

Band-Aid solutions!

- Runt!

- Well, I'm sorry!

I'm very bad at reading facial cues.

[sighs] Fish, help me out here.

- [muffled yells]

- [water sloshing]


'Twas beauty that killed the beast.

I guess only girls are good at

honest communication and sensitivity.

[class Iaughing]

That does it!

We were in a time-out, Foxy!

Prepare to hurt.

And I don't mean emotionally, Iike I do.

- [snaps]

- [gasps]


Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

- Whoa!

- [class gasping]

[class Iaughing]

- [gasping]

- We will save you!

Fall back! Mad goose!

- [fire alarm ringing]

- [gasping]

[coach] Chicken Little!

[principal] Not showing up for class,

inappropriate school attire,

[principal] Not showing up for class,

inappropriate school attire,

picking fights in gym class

and the fire alarm?

Ever since that "sky falling" incident,

he's been nothing but trouble!

[sighing] Now Iook, Buck.

You know I have

the utmost respect for you.

I mean, you were Buck "Ace" CIuck,

- our school baseball star.

- [bat hits ball, faintly]

[sighs] But Iet's face the facts.

Your kid, he's nothing Iike you at all.

[Buck] OK.

Thank you for talking to me.

I'II take care of my son.

I... Dad, it wasn't my fault.

- It was Foxy. She's always...

- AII right. It's fine.

You don't have to explain anything.


Uh... Hey, Dad? [clears throat]

I was thinkin'. Yeah, what if I...?

What if...?

What if I joined the baseball team?

[man] Hey, why don't you

watch where you're going?!

Sorry, there, buddy! Sorry, sorry.

Baseball? Son, we talked about this.

Yeah, right. But, you know,

that was when I was small.

I put on five ounces this year.

I've really bulked up.

Really, son? Baseball. Are you sure?

Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean,

you know, hey, why not, right?

- Yeah, why not, but why?

- Well, Dad,

you were such a big

baseball star in high school.

You could give me some pointers.

But, son, you know,

I'm just wondering...

Maybe baseball isn't exactly

your thing, you know?

Have you considered

the chess team or the glee club?

And some teenagers, you know, they

get quite a rush from stamp collecting.

- No.

- Wanna stop? We'II get some stamps.

- I don't Iike stamps.

- Colors, colorful things...

No, I was thinkin' baseball!

I can't wait to see

the Iook on your face

when I smack that ball in

for a touchdown!

- [Iaughing]

- [sighing]

Dad... Um, I'm kidding.

That was a... that was a joke.

- [chuckles]

- [chuckles]

Just do me one favor, son.

Why, sure, Dad. Anything.

Just please try not

to get your hopes too high.

Yeah, but Dad, I mean, I...

I mean, I think I can...

[grunts, Iaughs]



OK, Dad.

[# Five for Fighting: All I Know]

I bruise you

You bruise me

We both bruise so


Too easily

To let it show

I love you

And that's all I know


Oh, Chloe. If only you were here.

You'd know what to do.

And all my plans

Keep fallin' through

All my plans, they


Depend on you

Depend on you

To help them grow

I love you

- That's my boy!

- Gee, thanks, Dad!

And that's all

It's really all I know

It's all I know

Come on. AII I need is a chance.

It's all

I know #

- [bat cracks]

- [crowd cheering]

[# Patti LaBelle

and Joss Stone: Stir It Up]



I can't sit here

while I go nowhere

Chase my dreams

through the polluted air

Chase my dreams

through the polluted air

I'm walking on a wire

I'm walking on a wire

Running out of time

There's no room

in this ol' heart of mine

Hungry minds

just stare you in the eyes

Spread it thick

and lay the biggest lies

Words jump off the pages

Passion hits the street

Anger's cooking

in the city heat

World's too crazy

I can 't take no more

I won 't stay here

locked behind the door

Got to stir it up

I got to break it up now

When I think about tomorrow

Ooh, I can 't wait to

Stir it up

Got to shake it up now

If I have to beg or borrow

If I have to beg or borrow

I'm not gonna take it anymore

Oh-oh oh-ohh-oh oh-ohh-oh

Come on

Oh-oh oh-ohh-oh oh-ohh-oh

Come on

So much pressure

to keep holding on


Pack my clothes up baby

I'll be gone

Stir it up

Got to break it up now

When I think about tomorrow

When I think about tomorrow

I can't wait to

Stir it up

I can't wait to

Stir it up

I got to shake it up now

If I have to beg or borrow

If I have to beg or borrow

I'm not gonna take it no more #

Lean to the left

Lean to the right

C'mon Acorns

Fight, fight, fight! Go, Acorns!

[gurgling, screaming]

[announcer] There's excitement

in the air, Iadies and gentlemen.

It's been two decades since

Oakey Oaks has beaten rivals

the Spud Valley Taters.

Down by only a single run,

and with a player in scoring position,

we finally have a chance again.

This excitement isn't about the fun

of baseball, it's not about the prize.

It's about gloating

and rubbing their noses in it,

the "Nah-nah-na-na-na!

We beat you!" taunting, if you will,

- that comes with the winning.

- Yeah!

That's right. Oakey Oaks

and the Honorable Mayor Turkey Lurkey

will finally have bragging rights

again for one full year!

[chuckling, muttering]

But this battle has taken

a heavy toll on our hometown heroes.

After nine grueling innings

and several players out with injuries,

the Acorns are scraping

the bottom of the roster.

Hopefully, there's just enough muscle

on the bench to pull out a win.

Up next... [shuddering] Chicken Little.

- [crowd groaning]

- [crying]

[announcer] CIearly a Iong shot, folks.

Little hasn't been up to bat

once since joining the team.

- He's gonna Iose the game for us!

- [announcer] Wait!

If he can get a walk

and advance to first, that powerhouse

Foxy Loxy can step up and save us all.

She's had a terrific game so far.

A shoo-in for the MVP trophy.

OK, kid, Iisten up.

You have an itty-bitty,

teeny-tiny strike zone.

There's no way he can throw you out!

Take the walk. Don't swing.

- I have a good feeling...

- Look at me. Don't swing.

Take the walk. You hear me?

Just take the walk!

- But, coach, wait!

- Don't swing!

[announcer] Nervous, gangly,

barely able to hold the pine,

Little advances to the box.

He's going to bat from the right.

Make it the Ieft. No, the right.

- The right.

- Easy out!

[announcer] Left field's

found something better to do,

center field's got a hunger pang

in his second stomach

- and right field's digging for grubs.

- PIay ball!

[cheetah] Why him?

Why now? [sobbing]

I won't embarrass you, Dad.

Not this time.

[announcer] Here's the wind-up,

the pitch! It's a high cutter.

- Ball!

- [grunting]

- [gasping]

- [groaning]

Uh... Strike one!


I'm not going to sugarcoat it.

I've seen roadkill with faster reflexes.

The catcher Iays down

the signals. Here's the pitch.

Curve ball Iow and outside, he swings!

Stee-rike two!


I said, don't swing!

[crowd] Don't swing!

- No!

- Batter up!

[crowd yelling]

That's two in the hole!

One more strike,

it's a punch out, folks,

and we're all going home.

[whispering] Today is a new day.

[slow-motion] Don't swing!

- [gasping]

- [gasping]

Well, take away my squeaky toy!

It's a hit!

- A hit?

- A hit?

[crowd] A hit?

[announcer] The batter

is unbelievably at home plate.

He's standing in a daze. Run, kid, run!

Go, son! Run! Run!

[crowd yelling]


[announcer] There he goes,

the wrong way.

- Wait, wait, wait!

- No, no! Not that way!

- Run the other way!

- Turn around!

[announcer] He's turned!

I've never said these words before,

but he's actually

rounding home plate!

- Goosey steps on home...

- [Chicken Little] A new day!

[announcer] A tie game!

They're scrambling in the alley.

Looks Iike Rodriguez has it.

Nope, it's the center fielder!

Mayhem in the outfield,

as Rodriguez is fired to second.


Catch is complete, but where's the ball?

Little touches the bag

and keeps going. A hunt for the rock.

The fielders are having trouble.

Commotion out there!

- It's stuck! It's stuck!

- Tip the cow!

[announcer] It's the old

tip-the-cow play.

He heads for the hot corner,

a stand-up triple!

- Yes!

- [announcer] Hold up! No!

He's going for the whole enchilada!

The ball of wax, kit and caboodle!

Go back! You're never gonna make it!

- [mooing]

- [announcer] Tries to Iighten his Ioad!

The outfield behind,

Little's on all cylinders!

He slides for the dish!

It's going to be

a photo finish at home!




[umpire] You're out!



[announcer] Oh, folks.

Folks, what a heartbreaker.

- [umpire] Wait!

- [announcer] Wait!

Wait a cotton-picking second.

Hold your horses, here,

and horses hold your breath.

This might not be over. He...


Safe! The runner is safe!

[announcer] It's all over, folks!

The Acorns have done the impossible!

For the first time in 20 years,

we won the pennant!

Mothers, kiss your babies!

You've witnessed a miracle!

Remember where you were at this

moment. The smells! The sounds!

There's a new winner in town

and his name is Chicken Little!

That was just a Iucky hit!

[announcer] Yes,

Chicken Little, it's all yours!

The victory, the triumph, the glory!

And getting doused with a sticky drink

that soaks into your undies

and chafes for hours!

This is one memory you'II savor forever!


[Abby] Yeah!

- [Abby] Yeah!

- [Runt] Yeah!

Yes, yes, yes! We won! We won!

That's my boy out there!

That's my boy!

I am the champion

My friend

And I'll keep on fightin' till the end

[imitating guitar riff]

I am the champion

I am the champion

But gone is the loser

'Cause I am the champion

Of the world #

- [car alarms blaring]

- Yow!

- [knock on door]

- Here's the wind-up and the pitch!

- A knuckleball!

- He swings!

- Crack!

- It's going.

- He rounds first, to second!

- Hits high off the wall!

He flies past third

and heads for the plate!

It's a scramble for the ball!

It's gonna be close!

- He is safe!

- [both cheering]

- The mighty Acorns win!

- Yes! Acorns win!

The mighty Acorns win!

- Yeah!

- [whooping]

- [Iaughing]

- [chuckling]

- [sighing]

- [yawning]

Jeez, you know,

I guess that puts the whole

"sky is falling" incident

behind us once and for all. Hey, kiddo?

You bet, Dad.

I... [clears throat]

Unless you think we need... closure?

CIosure? What's to close here?

Unless you think we need to close...

- Not me.

- It's closed!

- I agree. Vacuum sealed.

- Shut tight!

OK, great, Dad. You... CIosure, I dunno.

AII right. Enough fun.

Good talk. Good talk, son.


- Here, I'II give you a push.

- Rock me a Iittle. Help me.

- OK.

- OK, I'm up.


Good night, Ace.

[clicks tongue]

Here's the wind-up... and the pitch!


[cheering, Iaughing]



Thanks for the chance.







[Chicken Little] No!

A piece of the sky?!

Shaped Iike a stop sign?! Not again!

[Buck] Hey! Son!

You all right? I'm coming!

I'm coming! I'm comin' upstairs!

- What's wrong?

- Nothing.

You sure? I thought I heard you yell.


Uh, I, uh...

I fell out of bed.

[Buck] Huh?

- How'd you get over there?

- Over where?

- There. There!

- Where?

How'd you get over there?

Who're we talking about?

Never mind. What's the difference?

Look, the past is behind us, right?

- Mmm.

- Tomorrow's gonna be a new day.


[gasping] PIease be gone,

please be gone, please be gone...




- [humming]

- Ah!






- [grunting]

- [humming]



I gotta call Abby!

[# Wannabe]

- [Abby] Uh-huh.

- [Runt] Uh-huh.

Yo, I'll tell you what I want

What I really really want

Tell me what you want

What you really really want

I'll tell you what I want

What I really really want

So tell me what you want

What you really really want

I wanna, I wanna

I wanna, I wanna

Really really

really wanna zigazig ah

If you wanna be my lover

You gotta get with my friends

- # Gotta get with my friends

- # Make it last forever

Friendship never ends

If you wanna be my lover

You have got to give

- # Taking is too easy

- [telephone ringing]

- # But that's the way it is

- Hello! Mallard residence.

Tell you what I want

Runt! Quiet!

I'm on the phone!

I wanna, I wanna

I wanna, I wanna

- # I wanna really... #

- Runt!


[clapping, gurgling]

Hey! Where are you?

- We already started. We were...

- [Chicken Little] It opened up!


[Chicken Little] AII right, guys.

Watch this.

- Bizarre.

- [Runt whimpering]

OK. Lemme guess.

You haven't told your dad yet.

- Well...

- I knew it!

Why haven't you told him?

There hasn't been

- "you, your dad, talk-talk-talking."

- There was talking.

- There was definitely talking.

- Really? What did he say?


[mumbles gibberish]


AII right, that's it.

We are doing an intervention!

You have got to stop messing around

and deal with the problem!

- She's right!

- Abby, please.

This is exactly what

fell on me the first time.

There's no way I'm

bringing this up again.

- No, he's not.

- Runt!

Sorry! I'm a gutless flip-flopper.

OK. I'm sure there's

a simple, Iogical explanation.

I mean, it could be

a piece of weather balloon,

or maybe it's part of some

experimental communications satellite.

I don't care. I want it

out of my Iife, gone for good.

Everything back to normal.

Hey, remember when

that icy blue stuff fell from the sky?

Everybody thought it was

from space and stuff?

And it just turned out to be

frozen pee from a jet airplane.

Yeah, that's right. It's frozen pee.

Yeah. It's frozen pee.

Pee, pee, pee, pee pee.

- Could you stop saying that?

- What? Pee?

- Pee.

- Tinkle?

- Piddle? Wee-wee?

- Whiz?

OK, subject change.

- Make pishee?

- I don't care what it is!

- [humming]

- [gurgling]

[Chicken Little] Are you gonna

help me get rid of it or not?

- [humming, beeping]

- [gurgling]

- [humming]

- [explosion]

- [electric humming]

- [gurgling]

FIying Fish! Take cover!


- No!

- Fish!

- [gasping]

- [gurgling]

- [gasping]

- Aaah!

Come on, come on, come on!

Wait, wait, whoa, son!

Where's the fire here?

Chicken Little has something

to tell you! Tell him. He can handle it.

Who're we talkin' about?

- [sighing]

- Uh...

Gotta go, Dad! Bye!

Ha! You got to be ready

to Iisten to your children,

even if they have nothing to say.

- [Abby] Sit tight, Fish!

- Fish! We will try to save you!

- [panting]

- Yeah!


[grunting, mumbling]

I'm sorry! Wait!


- [horn honks]

- Sorry!

- Curb!

- Ay!


[all panting]


[Runt wheezing, gulping]


[electrical fizzling]

[winds gusting]





Abby! Wake up!

Come on! Let's get outta here!



[garbled gurgling]

[Runt] Oh, poor Fish!

He's probably stuffed and mounted

Iike an intergalactic trophy or...

...maybe he's a half-Iiving host

implanted with

their face-hugging embryo babies.

One thing's for sure, man. He's gone!

- Gone, man!

- [gasping] Not yet!

- [tapping]

- [gurgling]

Oh, snap.

[electrical crackling]

[Abby] Fish.

[gulping, muffled burp]



Hey! What are you doing? Come on!




- Fish.

- [electric buzzing]

- Where are you, Fish?!

- Shh!

I can't handle the pressure!

Go on without me!

- Runt.

- You're just fine.

I'II jeopardize the mission!

Endanger us all!

Throw me overboard

while you still have a chance!

Just Ieave me some ammo, Iittle water,

some chips if you have 'em.

Calm. OK, all right. Listen.

- Where's your bag?

- Everything's OK.

- [Abby] Now breathe.

- [Chicken Little] Breathe.

- No, slowly.

- SIowly.


OK. Now, just do the thing

you do to relax.

[Runt] # Well, you can tell by the way

I use my walk I'm a woman's man

No time to talk

Huh huh huh huh

Stayin' alive

Stayin' alive #

Posted by prosonicscool2 - September 4th, 2021

So I want to shout out @yoshiberto30  for helping with the mod voices without him the mod would be stuck